+38 (098) 35-11-578

Прохання повідомити, що знайшли
контакти компанії на порталі «Укрбіо». Дякуємо!
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The main activity of "Wood Energy" is the manufacture and packaging of charcoal. Having our own production and well-established distribution system, we monitor the quality and timely delivery of finished products to our customers. Continuous monitoring of raw materials, technology, transportation and packing ensures the high quality of our products.


  Company "Wood Energy" offers high-quality charcoal brand "A", produced by energy efficient "smokeless" technology with environmentally friendly wood western Ukraine. This product is used for the qualitative and quick cooking on the grill, barbecue grill. We work with many companies and supermarkets in Germany, Poland, Czech Republic, Slovakia, the Baltic states and Ukraine.

We pack charcoal in customers bags and in our bags:
- Bags of 1.5 to 15 kg
- Commodity fraction 20-80 mm
- Commodity fraction 40-120 mm

фото прайсиПрайс-листів не знайдено.контакти
Адреса: 47300 Україна, Тернопільська,
Збараж, вул. Мазепи, 40

+38 (098) 35-11-578
Повідомлення для учасника порталу:
"ТМ Wood Energy"

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* Код підтвердження:
сьогоднішня дата: 2024--14

Оновлено: 19/06/2015 року
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